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Yoga Asanas

Yoga improves strength, balance and flexibility.Yoga benefits heart health.Yoga relaxes you, to help you sleep better.

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Yoga asanas as familiar in the todays modern times or just Yog asanas as learnt in the traditional period, is used to define the different body postures or poses while doing yoga. The term asanas was derived from the Sanskrit word to resemble the word seat.
In ancient times, asanas were primarily seated poses of meditation, which when practised rightfully for years leaded to the utmost position of divine. Furthermore, to elaborate, due to the decrease in yoga awareness for centuries and increase in unfit bodily conditions, today there felt the need of standing, twists, reclining and many more positions.
Here at Sun Yog Studio, understanding the physique and its feasibility, of every yogi, Guru decides upon to conduct different yoga postures. At the different stages of practice, the methods are altered and the outcomes are measured. As known, neither the individuals are same nor are their daily habits, proper yoga poses along with a balanced diet plan makes sure to get a fit and healthy body. Some of the yoga exercises merely for the informative purpose are given here.


1>. Surya Namaskar :     

Sun, the most important source of energy for everyone to sustain on earth. Surya Namaskar being the most ancient form to express our gratitude to the almighty for providing us such a wonderful life. It is a sequence of 12 yoga poses along with 12 mantras to chant with each pose. For a disease free and healthy body and calm mind its advisable to practice it in the early morning.

2>. Mountain Pose ( Tadasana ) :

Tadasana seems simple but brings us the great benefits specially if someone works continuously in certain fixed postures such as a computer operator. It provides with a good posture and also helps in increasing the stability of the body. It helps to enhance your energy and lose your tiredness.

3>. Shirshasana :

Shirshasana means asanas on your head, that is in the inverted body position. Moreover than increasing the mind power, Shirshasana helps in keeping your brain calm. It is one of the best exercises to strengthen the upper body. It is also accepted as the king of the asanas but parallelly its also reported as the cause of injury when not practised under the proper guidance of the Gurus.

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